
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Sampling Day

Hi there,

Spent today going through some of my many Akai S1000 sample disks that I have accumulated
over the years of recording and have converted the more quirky ones into EXS 24 instruments within Logic Pro 9.
What could have been an arduous task was made very simple thanks to Logic.
I still have hundreds of disks to go through...but I am not at all daunted by the prospect!
Thank you Logic!


  1. Hi Pete,

    It's Martyn Swain here - the bass player from the wedding!

    I too have thousands of S1000/1100/3000 samples on floppy and zips, but I've been put off trying to migrate them into Logic for ... all sorts of reasons!

    I'd love to know what your method is, as I can't bear the idea of digitally re-sampling sounds and putting them into EXS/Kontakt.

    I'll send you an e-mail later about library stuff etc.


    Martyn S

  2. Hi Martyn,
    Thanks for getting in touch.
    I'm afraid I did it the laborious way by loading up Akai, selecting the more unusual and useable samples and spurted them digitally into Logic. Then converted them to EXS instruments.
    Time consuming...but filled in some "downtime".
