
Monday, 31 October 2011

Studio Refit

Painting stage will be finished today..with carpet-layers coming in on Wednesday..Hoorah!
Thursday will be.."Put equipment back day and rewire etc" so back to status quo by Friday if all goes to plan.
Hate interrupting work...but it's got to be done!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Valleys and Vistas

Hello World...
My latest offering is up on Soundcloud.."Valleys and Vistas"..Quite a perky uplifting track I hope, and the last track for a short while, whilst we update the studio with more mains sockets and new carpet etc.
Hopefully the disruption won't last too long and I can be back in action soon!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Yellow Tools Independence Free

Have just downloaded "Independence Free" by Yellow Tools, a software sampler along the lines of Kontakt.
It's not as stable on my system as Kontakt Player, but some of the sample library is interesting, especially the ethnic percussion and the acoustic guitar, but as it's free, one can't complain!
The quality of the sampling is first-class...well done to Yellow Tools!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Samba Funk

Hello again,
The latest addition to my Production Music is now finished and up on my Soundcloud.
It features funky samba rhythm track with added Bouzouki.
Simple track I think, but nice groove! Hope you agree.
Although autumn has has a very 'summery' feel.
Hope my publishers like it too!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Studio Funk

A couple of days ago, I revamped an old rhythm track I had archived on my system.
It's really worth checking out some oldish sketches now and again..because there should be very little wastage of ideas..they just need reworking properly or put into the right context.
The above mentioned rhythm track has a really nice funky groove which is now accompanied by, of all things, Bouzouki!
Will continue the funk on Monday!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Social Networks

Have just extended my social networks to include Twitter and Tumblr.
It has become more and more important for people in business to have a good presence on the web, I only hope I can find the time to keep them all updated!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Tribal Meeting

Today finished the piece "Tribal Gathering"..I was going to write music inspired by African Landscapes...but somehow Aborigines came into the picture and now it's a meeting of them with Massai Warriors.
Funny how some tunes turn out!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Hear my music

Anyone wishing to hear some examples of my work please visit my Soundcloud page at

Thanks for visiting!

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to the blog of Pete "Peewee" Coleman, Music Composer/Sound Designer/Producer. ... Latest news.... 8 of my latest production music tunes have been published by two different publishers in New York!